miercuri, 11 septembrie 2013

25 Facts About Me

1. I survived childhood without a single bone broken.

2. I'm 1.55 m / 5ft 1 1⁄32in

3. My favorite flowers are lilies and pink roses.

4. In my room am a little bit of an OCD and everything has his own place.

5. I  have a phobia of vomit and needles.

6. My favorite songs of all times are: Evanescence-My immortal...Josh Groban-You Raise Me Up...and...G-Dragon - Heartbreaker.

7. When I was a kid I was obsessed with the anime SHAMAN KING I even cried at the last episode:(...and I had a crush on Hao.

8. I hate mushrooms.

9. I'm scared of snakes even if I see pictures of them.

10. I'm an extremely empathetic person if I see someone crying I would posible cry even if I don't know that person. #wirdo

11. I'm kinda scared about swimming in the sea.

12. My favorite colors are baby blue and purple.

13. When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut.

14. In the morning even if I hear whispers I wake up #posesed

15. I'm kinda addicted to the internet.

 16. I hate the roller coaster.

17. I have a list with things to do before I die.

18. I had a diary from the age of 8 until the age of 14.

19. When I was a kid I used to write stories about me and my friends.

20. I love carrots.

21. I hate medicines and when I'm sick I would wait until I would pass out until I would take them ( if that makes sens).

22. I love dogs and i don't like cats.

23. I'm not good at cooking but am good at baking.

24. Thru my whole life I had real realistic dreams to the point that I couldn't realise if it was a dream or not.

25. I like dark chocolate but not so much the milk one.

duminică, 2 iunie 2013

Big Band-G-Dragon

1.Primul desen e o varianta animata a cantaretului si dupa parerea mea a iesit destul de bine luand in considerare ca a fost prima incercare.

2.In primul rand buzele sunt cam CIUDATE iar fata e cam stramba.
In al doilea rand cred ca e destul de ok pentru prima data. 

3.Dupa parerea mea am lasat ce e mai bun la sfarsit .Imi place la nebunie dar degetele mele au tinut neaparat sa strice desenul :((...Arata mult mai bine inainte sa imi pun degetele pe el :@...

duminică, 26 mai 2013


Sper sa va placa unghiile,dedesubt am pus clipurile de unde m-am inspirat iar ultimele 2 le-am facut doar din placere.

I hope you like the nails,underneath I put the clips where I got my inspiration and the last 2 I made them just for fun.

joi, 2 mai 2013

1 si 2 mai 2013

 In ciuda faptului ca nu am putut posta in ultimul timp am decis sa postez azi.
 Ieri a fost 1 mai si am avut o mica iesire cu prietenii la padure ,in ciuda faptului ca am pornit in jurul orei 7:30 dimineata am avut o zi de pomina,de indata ce am ajuns am instalat corturile 
pe urma am pregatit focul si in jurul orei 13:00 am pregatit mancarea.
 Dupa ce am mancat am stat putin la plaja iar pe urma in jurul orei 18:00 am pregatit un foc mare de tabara

Initial am vrut sa renuntam la el din cauza vremii care a inceput sa se inrautateasca 

insa am continuat si am facut focul care a fost imens.

Ziua urmatoare datorita faptului ca nu am prins de loc culoare de 1 mai am decis sa stau putin acasa si cum si vremea a fost de partea mea 

am decis sa stau putin la bronzat,zis si facut.

Iar pe urma in jurul orei 17:00 am ajutat-o pe mama sa pregateasca o pasca.Desi a fost pentru prima data atat pentru ea cat si pentru mine cand am incercat sa facem una eu zic ca ,a iesit destul de prezentabil si a fost si destul de buna;)).

vineri, 22 februarie 2013

Raza de soare

Poate iar vei plange
Poate vei zambi
Insa vei trai

Si poate vei vrea

Sa iubesti,sa crezi
Sa visezi,sa soptesti
Sa sti ce gandesti
In lume sa privesti
Si sa realizezi
Ca nu e inutil 
Din nou sa zambesti

Viata e grea 

Spune ce vrea
Tu doar priveste
Cum te orbeste
O raza de soare 
Ce nu mai apare
Problema apune
Chiar de nu spune
Te baga in ceata 
Te lasa fara viata

vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012


I'm Ema
I used to be...
then i started to notice things
I didn't have...
many friends
expensiv things
my body wasn't perfect
I really hated my face
when people started talking
it made my cry...A LOT
8th grade things got harder...
the hardest year of my LIFE
people talked...
"she's ugly"
"she's weird"
"she's to skinny"
it hurt...A LOT
then the most painful things were said...
"kill yourself"
"everybody hates you"
"go die"
Freshman year...
new school
new people
new life
at first everything was fine
people were really nice with me
things have improved..
I began to make new friends
they started telling me :
"why you dress like that"
"why you keep saying stupid things"
"why you don't stop talking"
it hurt A LOT
I started thinking that the first months were fake
at the end of the year things have improved little by little
I started talking again with people
I have made new friends
and at school my grades have improved
10th grade they started again
Now they continue to say mean things
I can handle it
of course it's hurting
I try not to pay attention

miercuri, 24 octombrie 2012

25 Questions

1. Do you have any pets?  Yes,a dog.
2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you. My phone,my computer and some nail polishes.
3. What's the weather like right now? It's really cold.
4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed? I don't drive.
5. What time did you wake up this morning? 6:00 am,to go to the school =(
6. When was the last time you showed? A hour ago.
7. What was the last movie you saw?Coma(2012)
8. What does your last text message say?"tell the teacher that i'll be late 10 minutes"
9. What's your ringtone? F.T.Island-Severely
10. Have you ever been to a different country? Yes.
11. Do you like sushi? Yes.
12. Where do you buy your groceries? Lidl.Carrefour.Kaufland.
13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? No.
14. How many siblings do you have? 2 twin sisters and 2 brothers.
15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Computer.
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 17
17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?    I had when i was little.
18. Do you color your hair? I colored my hair just 2 times.
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.It's 7:50 PM and I just finished my homework and new I do my nails and then sleep.
20. When was the last time you cried? 2 weeks ago.
21. What is your perfect pizza topping?I don't have a favorite but I hate the mushrooms.
22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers? Hamburgers.
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter? Yes.
24. What is your eye color? Blue.
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke? Yes, and I prefer Coke.